
The Meaning Behind The Song: A Matter Of Trust by Billy Joel

Unraveling the Emotional and Symbolic Meaning of Billy Joel’s “A Matter of Trust”

Few songs can capture a lifetime of lessons and experiences in just a few minutes. Billy Joel’s “A Matter of Trust” is one of those rare tunes. Released in 1986 as part of Joel’s album “The Bridge,” the song not only showcased the artist’s musical prowess but also tackled deeply personal issues that remain relatable to many decades later.

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The Sound and Structure of “A Matter of Trust”

Before we delve into the song’s philosophical themes, let’s examine its musical aspects. “A Matter of Trust” features a catchy intro that gradually builds momentum through the guitar and drums. The verse progresses into a staccato-like rhythm, with Joel’s signature voice hitting high notes at just the right moments. The chorus is where the song truly shines, with the title phrase repeated in a melody that’s both uplifting and anthemic. Musically, “A Matter of Trust” is a blend of rock and pop, with sprinkles of jazz and soul found in the solo sections.

The Lyricism and Storyline of “A Matter of Trust”

On the surface, “A Matter of Trust” might seem like a simple love song. The lyrics speak of a relationship between two people who’ve been hurt before and have learned to trust each other against all odds. However, the song’s deeper meaning lies in the themes of vulnerability, risk-taking, and self-awareness.

The opening lines set the tone for the entire song: “Some love is just a lie of the heart / The cold remains of what began with a passionate start.” This suggests that not all love is genuine, and that past experiences can leave a person feeling jaded and mistrustful. The second verse continues on this line of thought, with Joel singing “Some people lie, they’re playing a game / They take and they break and they leave you with shame.” It’s a sobering truth that hits close to home for many listeners.

But there’s a glimmer of hope in the chorus, which declares “It’s a matter of trust / A matter of not sleeping alone.” The repeated refrain of “don’t say goodbye” suggests that the narrator has found someone worth investing their heart in again. The bridge section of the song is where the lyrics take on a more philosophical bent, with Joel singing “In a world where people have problems / In a world where hearts are broken / We should be glad that we have each other / We should be glad that we have each other.” It’s a reminder that even in the midst of chaos and uncertainty, having someone to rely on and share life with is a blessing to cherish.

The Song’s Reception and Legacy

“A Matter of Trust” was a commercial success upon its release, reaching #10 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart. Critics praised both the song’s composition and its deeper meanings. Over the years, it has become a fan-favorite and has been covered by various artists, including Anne Hathaway in the 2008 movie “Rachel Getting Married.”

Beyond its musical and cultural significance, “A Matter of Trust” also serves as a poignant reminder of the human condition. We all have past hurts and fears that can make it hard to trust others, but when we find someone who’s worthy of our trust, the rewards can be great. As Joel himself said in an interview with the Los Angeles Times, “It’s easy to say ‘I love you’ but it’s harder to prove that… trust is built over time.” In a world where love and trust are often taken for granted, “A Matter of Trust” serves as a powerful anthem to hold onto those very things that make us human.


Almeda Bohannan

Update: 2024-05-06