
The Meaning Behind The Song: Now Here by Red Rocks Worship


Hey there, fellow music lovers! Today, I want to dive deep into the meaning behind the powerful song “Now Here” by Red Rocks Worship. As a fan of their work, I was captivated when I first heard this song and felt the urge to share its profound message with all of you.

Table of Contents

My Personal Experience:

I remember stumbling upon this song at a friend’s house. We were having a deep conversation about life’s struggles, and suddenly, “Now Here” started playing in the background. In that moment, it felt like the lyrics were speaking directly to our hearts, infusing us with a renewed sense of hope and faith.

The Lyrics:

The lyrics of “Now Here” by Red Rocks Worship beautifully capture the awe-inspiring power and victory found in the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Let’s explore some of the key verses and their meaning:

[Verse 1] “And where was the darkness when hope was restored?
Where was despair when my God split the shores?
And where was defeat when the Lord took a breath?
When He stood in power by the grave that He left?”

These lines remind us that in the face of darkness, hope prevails. The resurrection of Jesus shattered despair, overcoming defeat and proclaiming His power over death itself.

[Chorus] “Nowhere (Nowhere)
Nowhere (Nowhere)
Nowhere is the fear when my King resurrects
Nowhere (Nowhere)
Nowhere (Nowhere)
Nowhere was the doubt when my King conquered death, yeah

The chorus emphasizes the absence of fear and doubt when Jesus, the King, conquered death. It is a reminder of the transformative love and power we have through Him.

[Verse 2] “Where was the sorrow when dry bones arose?
Where was the pain when the sick touched the robe?
And where was disgrace when the King laid to rest
The stronghold of sin by the grace He possessed?”

In these lines, we witness the power of Jesus to bring life and healing. Sorrow, pain, and disgrace have no place in His presence. The grace that Jesus possesses is strong enough to break the stronghold of sin and bring redemption.

[Bridge] “I see joy rising, I hear hope calling
I see fear hiding, I hear chains falling
I see walls shaking, I hear doubt running
‘Cause my God’s on His way
Yes, He (Is rising)
Come on, this time, you sing”

The bridge of the song is a powerful declaration of victory. It speaks of seeing joy rise, hope calling, fear hiding, and doubt running. It reassures us that our God is on His way, and nothing can stand in His path.

The Message:

The message behind “Now Here” is one of triumph and freedom. It reminds us that in the presence of Jesus, fear, doubt, and shame disappear. We stand undefeated because of His nearness. This song is a call to activate our faith, to trust in the power of Jesus, and to find solace in His unwavering love.

The Impact:

Now, let’s take a moment to appreciate the incredible work put into this song. “Now Here” is part of Red Rocks Worship’s album titled “Things of Heaven” released on February 19, 2021. The song was produced by Jake Espy and written by Jake Espy and Tyler Roberts.


In conclusion, “Now Here” by Red Rocks Worship is a powerful anthem that reminds us of the victory we have in Jesus Christ. Its heartfelt lyrics and inspiring melody invite us to embrace a life of faith, free from fear, doubt, and shame. I hope this article has shed some light on the profound meaning behind this incredible song. So go ahead, turn up the volume, and let the powerful message of “Now Here” resonate in your heart.


Sebrina Pilcher

Update: 2024-05-06